FAQ Table of Contents
Why do I need an IDSO report?
Can I get a refund for my company / user registration with IDSO?
Can I get a refund for my subscription?
Will the insurance company pay for this Reporting Software?
Can I use this program to replace my current documentation process?
What can I do with the software?
What do I need to run the software?
Where can I get trained in the correct use of meters?
What is your privacy policy?
What is your contact information?
Why do I need an IDSO report?
An IDSO Report will provide different values to different people.
Insured homeowners receive important documentation that verifies their
structure has been returned to a close approximation of pre-loss moisture content.
It is up to the consumer - the insured policy holder - to insist that a high level of
workmanship and ethical business practices are carried out in their home. One of the
ways to evaluate the restorer's restoration efforts is through a comprehensive IDSO Report and
Certificate of DryStandard.
In some states, losses in excess of a certain amount must be disclosed upon sale of the home.
An IDSO Report will be a valuable historical record to potential buyers.
Insurance carriers and adjusters benefit from IDSO Reports as this report
will provide additional documentation that their valuable clients have received a
reasonable level of care in returning the structure to pre-loss condition. It will
also complete the file should future claims related to this loss arise. Responsible
inspections, along with IDSO reports, will help verify that drying efforts were absolutely
necessary, and not abused. This aids in keeping expenses to a minimum. IDSO Reports created
by third-party inspectors further add credibility to the report.
Water damage restoration firms benefit from such reports as the mathematical
formulas used in the documentation process aid in showing interested parties the need
for your services, or the fact that your drying process is complete. One of a restorer's
greatest fears is frequently the possibility of a future repercussion from not being able
to prove that they dried a structure to acceptable moisture content. IDSO Reports in
the restorer's and the insurance company's file will help in such an event.
Construction professionals have long been seeking a method of showing prospective
buyers that they build their homes with a keen attention to the manufacture of a healthier
indoor environment. One of the ways a quality home builder can demonstrate this is through
the documentation of the moisture content found in the timber used in the home - prior to the
framing being closed up with sheetrock, vapor barriers and other finish work. The expense
related to the inspection and IDSO report and certificate generation is minor compared to the
value given to the homeowner.
Home inspectors are frequently called upon to evaluate the integrity of a home.
Formally trained home inspectors have a broad field of education, requiring significant
experience. Some have even ventured into difficult field of fungal evaluations. It is commonly
accepted that to control the growth of mold - one needs to control the moisture. Therefore,
it is totally appropriate to document, quantify and evaluate the presence of moisture in
building materials. DryStandard Report Software makes it easy to provide their client with
an accurate and professional report.
Can I get a refund for my company/user registration with IDSO?
No. The registration of companies and users is a one-time fee required to administrate
and create an account in the IDSO database, and is non-refundable.
Can I get a refund for my subscription?
Yes. A pro-rated refund onto the credit with which it was purchased for an unused
portion of a subscription will be given upon written or emailed receipt of cancellation.
A $10.00 USD administrative fee will be applied to each individual user account that
is cancelled. Simply Contact IDSO.
Will the insurance company pay for this report on a covered loss?
This question is best left answered by the adjuster. If possible, show the adjuster a
sample IDSO report, and state that you would like to have this kind of
documentation on your project. The insurance policy language may entitle or even encourage the policyholder to
obtain a verification of quality workmanship results.
Can I use this program to replace my current documentation process?
The IDSO Report and Certificate of DryStandard is designed to aid in answering the question:
Are the hygroscopic materials (materials that absorb humidity) returned to an acceptable
moisture content?
The IDSO Report is not presently designed to answer the questions: What is wet? How wet is it?
and Is it drying? We encourage restoration professionals to continue with their existing
comprehensive and thorough documentation practice so as to answer these important questions.
What can I do with the software?
DryStandard Report Software assists you in systematically gathering and organizing
readings in the structures you inspect. It helps you to use appropriate tools by
constraining meter selection to the ones appropriate to the particular substrate.
It contains reminders about the meter settings you should use based on substrate,
meter, and test type. And it allows you to print out your results in a raw text format.
For maximum benefit, submit the reports you create to IDSO using the functionality integrated
into DryStandard Report Software for processing into a beautiful, downloadable technical
document with all your data and pictures, plus supplementary data points. Check out our
sample reports to see how much value such a report has.
What do I need to run the software?
To run the PC application (required), you need:
- Windows Mobile Phone (Windows Mobile Professional 6.0* or higher)
- or a Pocket PC (Windows Mobile Classic 6.0* or higher)
- and a Internet connection
(* will work on 5.0 or higher as well, but you will need to download and install .NET CF 2.0 from Microsoft first. 6.0 or greater has it built-in)
Please Note:
It will *NOT* work on Windows SmartPhones (Windows Mobile Standard)
It must be Windows Mobile Professional if it's a phone.
Where can I get trained in the correct use of meters?
IDSO does not train individuals in the use of meters or consulting. A popular course
in meter use is the IICRC Water Damage Restoration Technician (WRT),
and the Applied Structural Drying (ASD) course.
What is your privacy policy?
IDSO takes your privacy seriously. Simply put, we will never divulge your personal
information to any third party. Read a more complete privacy statement here.
What is your contact information?