Update 3/28/2011
We are proud to announce the release of the DryStandard™ Report Software
Version 2.1. Now available on Windows PC (Desktop / Notebook / Tablet) Computers.
We have been working hard to make this the best Restorative Drying Reporting Software available in the industry.
You can read more about this revolutionary software and what it can
do for you.
To learn more about being a licensed user of the DryStandard Report Software,
please register with the IDSO here.
Is it dry?
With the undesirable consequences that result from damp materials being left in new
and restored structures, consumers as well as professionals in the construction,
restoration, and insurance industries are prudently asking for verification that their structure is "dry."
What is "dry"?
But determining whether a structure is acceptably dry can be more complex that it seems.
Historical climate, inspection tool brand and model, material temperature, wood species,
and other factors all must be taken into account to create a reliable picture of whether
a structure can be said to be in a normal moisture content condition.
Was the drying strategy effective?
For the first time, restoration professionals are able to easily report the actual forces of
evaporation created with their drying strategy. This isn’t stated with measures of relative humidity…
or grains per pound… or some other obscure scientific phrase. No, the DryStandard™ Report Software
makes it easy to understand for anyone with a grade school education. Claims of ‘smoke and mirrors’ –
and the subsequent disputes are now a thing of the past. It’s about time!
Finally – instant recommendations for the restoration professional
Are you tired of the arm-chair quarterbacks that want to say how you failed to employ an effective
drying strategy? Where were they (and their so-called expertise) at the time the project was underway?
The DryStandard™ Report Software actually measures the forces of drying and produces scientifically
sound recommendations to enhance the drying processes. Industry dehumidifier formulas do NOT report
the forces of drying. They are for initial dehumidification recommendations ONLY. We finally have a
tool, FOR restorers, made BY restorers – that actually supports restorers with reports that use
scientifically sound conclusions. Industry new-comers can now easily execute the drying decisions
found among ‘drying gods’. It’s about time!
No more duplicate data entry – Completely paperless
One of the most annoying elements of drying documentation is the need to collect data on
the jobsite, and then reenter the data into computers when you return to the office. DryStandard™
Report Software resides in the memory of your cell phone and operates off the computer within your
cell phone. This paperless system even automatically reports the drying progress to all interested
parties in as long as it takes to hit your email send button. It’s about time!
The International DryStandard™ Organization
We offer software to aid inspectors in performing a systematic and
thorough moisture inspection of structures. After a structure is inspected, our breakthrough
software performs a series of meter manufacturer recommended corrections on the readings,
such as those required for wood species and temperature. Our software then generates an
automatically dispersed e-mail summary of the project along with a comprehensive technical
report with valuable graphics and supplemental data points that aid in the evaluation of the
relative dryness of the inspection sites in the structure. If the structure has
met DryStandard™ conditions, an IDSO Certificate of DryStandard™ is included with the
report. This report is available for printing just seconds after submitting the collected
data to IDSO servers for processing.